Monday, August 11, 2008


出处: 爱美网


一、首先是仰卧抬腿:30个一组,做4 组。




Saturday, July 19, 2008







《美容大王教戰守則》緊實小腿秘訣 美女當然不能有小象腿或蘿蔔腿,迷人曲線的小腿,是一定要追求的。不過,長期站立或是常穿高跟鞋的女生,小腿特別容易腫,或者產生靜脈曲張,影響了腿部的美觀,實在很可惜耶。







注意:重心放在身体正中央 ,如果不易保持平衡的话,可将身体轻靠在墙壁或柱子上。

















瘦大腿内侧: 做立正姿势,将右脚向前跨一步,轻弯膝盖,两手插在腰上,跳起的同时左右脚互换。先以10秒钟做10次为目标,后可加速。

瘦大腿外侧: 右脚伸直向右抬起,同时左手伸直向左抬起。此时,注意身体的平衡,腿部要用劲。另外一侧同样做,动作大约两秒钟。










芝麻100克,卷心菜(又叫圆白菜、甘蓝)嫩芯350克,食盐、 味精、花生油适量。




卷心菜含有丰富的维生素(维生素产品,维生素资讯)[,具有促进卵巢发育、增加雌激素分泌量、刺激乳房发育之功效。芝麻含有非常丰富的维生素e(维生素e 产品,维生素e资讯)、b1、b2、b6,以及蛋白(蛋白补充产品,蛋白补充资讯)质(蛋白质产品,蛋白质资讯)、脂肪、碳水化合物。所以,本品具有隆胸丰乳的作用。
















































































  将洗净的草莓均匀地切成小块,放入榨汁机里。随即倒入牛奶,放入柠檬汁,均匀搅拌两分钟。再放入食用糖,继续搅拌,直到混合物均匀地成糊状,装杯,如果你愿意可以加入少许的新鲜奶油,再装点上鲜红的樱桃,享受吻的甜蜜。 b.懒洋洋的黄

  ● 150克芒果肉














  ● 250毫升新鲜牛奶


十天减肥食谱 解决小肚腩

















第一天, 汤和水果。除了香蕉外,其他水果都可以吃,不过甜瓜和西瓜要少吃,因其所含热量比其它瓜果多。第一天只能喝汤和吃水果。如果喝茶、咖啡和果汁,请不要加牛奶和糖。

第二天, 汤和蔬菜。第二天除了喝汤外,可以吃所有的蔬菜,不限量,而且最好选择新鲜的蔬菜。不要吃豆类和玉米。中午可以吃点烤土豆。请记住:不能吃任何水果,要多喝水。

第三天, 汤、水果和蔬菜。这一天不能吃烤土豆,汤、水果和蔬菜可以随便吃,册时要多喝水。如果前三天都能严格遵照饮食规定,即可减重2-3公斤。

第四天, 汤、水果、蔬菜、牛奶和香蕉。除了随便喝汤及进食水果和蔬菜外,还可以进食1杯牛奶和3个香蕉。切记:喝的牛奶不能超过汤的量。

第五天, 汤、牛肉和西红柿。除喝汤外,可以吃些西红柿、牛肉。牛肉可以吃200克,西红柿果生吃,不限量。这一天要求喝6-8杯水,只喝一次汤就可以了。

第六天, 牛肉和叶类蔬菜。牛肉和蔬菜随便吃,还可以吃两块牛排,但不能吃烤土豆。除喝一次汤外,一定要多喝水。

第七天, 米饭、果汁、蔬菜和汤。可以吃点米饭和蔬菜,喝些不加糖的果汁,多喝水。蔬菜可以用葱炒着吃。

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


























  4、沿着面颊骨按摩眼睛四方。由鼻孔旁向外按摩至下颚,再回到原点。沿着下颚向下按摩。下颚左右转动各5次。手掌按住鼻尖做圆周运动,每个方向5次。 捏住耳骨向上、向下、向外拉各3次,然后向前、向后各转动3次。


食谱巧搭配 吃瘦下半身

本食谱提供之营养菜单,可帮助有需要人士,每月约可减 4-5 磅。当然,一定要从以下方案中选择一款食谱搭配,否则就是增肥大餐了。

  C、 香蕉二条、绿茶一杯
  F、 西梅五粒、脂奶一杯
  G、 麦包一碗、西梅汁一杯

  B、 云吞面一碗、灼菜一碗
  C、 什菜沙律一碟、绿茶一杯
  D、 菠菜面一碗、乌龙茶一杯
  E、 牛丸米一碗、灼菜一碗
  F、 墨丸米一碗、灼菜一碗

  C、 瘦肉九片、清汤一碗、灼菜两碗、白饭半碗
  G、 灼虾八只、清汤一碗、灼菜两碗、白饭半碗



动作一:站立或坐姿,右手持哑铃(3~5磅)。右手弯曲在脑后,尽量下垂,然后拉起。重复此动作2组,每组10次。 左右轮换


动作三:站立、背保持挺直。双手持哑铃,重复抬起放下的动作3组,每组20 次

动作四:俯卧撑。 这个不用多说了,大家跟着图片示范做就可以了,2~3组10次




动作一:请你平躺在地板上,腹部紧贴地面。双手交叉置于脑后,轻轻地抬起头部,使胸部离开地面。注意不要用力过猛。然后回落,请你控制好速度。 重复此动作2组15次

动作二:双腿分开站立,膝盖弯曲。胸部向前倾,但是背部始终保持挺直。双手持哑铃,向两边水平提起,感觉到背部肌肉在用力。 重复此动作2组20次


动作四:这个动作锻炼你上背部的肌肉。双腿分开等肩宽,膝盖弯曲。胸部前倾,左手按在膝盖上,右手持哑铃向脚尖方向尽量放长,然后用背部的力量回拉至臀侧,注意胳膊不要弯。 请你控制好速度。 这个动作重复2组15次

动作五:平躺在地上,双腿分开,膝盖弯曲。然后用手臂和脚的力量撑起身体,你的背部、臀部和大腿都离开地面成一直线。保持这个姿势,将你的右小腿向上伸直,再回落。 在动作中,请你注意背部肌肉的紧张。 这个动作每侧重复5次

超级好的减肥塑身操 (1)



动作二:请你平躺在有氧台阶上,使头、背和臀部都在登上。大腿拉向胸部,双脚踝交叉。两手握住一个哑铃向上伸直,然后缓缓向后落下直至脑后,落下时吸气,举起时呼气。请你一定要控制好速度,如果太快就无法锻炼到胸前的肌肉。 重复此动作3组10次

动作三:这个动作既可以锻炼胸部,也可以锻炼你的肩膀和手臂。坐在地上,双腿交叉。双手中间夹一个球(也可以徒手做,即双手紧握),注意使你的小臂与地面平行。双手挤压球,感觉胸部用力,请保持1~2秒,然后松开。 重复此动作2组20次

动作四:俯卧撑。 这个动作很常见,不过我每次做的时候都是双膝着地的。如果你有力量,可以按照图示来进行锻炼。 此动作2组10次

Monday, July 7, 2008

Wrinkle Remover

Wrinkle Remover

Green Thompson seedless grapes! It has one of the ingredients in those big time expensive wrinkle creams.

All you do is cut a grape in half and gently crush it on your face and neck. Make sure that you get the "crows-feet" and the lines around your mouth. Leave it on for twenty minutes or so and rinse with tepid water and pat dry.

Repeat every day and before you know it... those nasty old lines will be hard to find!

Don't forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. And... eat veggies rich in Vitamin A, such as carrots, celery and spinach.

If you can, get 8 hours of sleep every night.

Sunday, July 6, 2008




“人的血型决定他们身体所需要的食物类型”。这是美国著名的“自然疗法”专家彼德·达达姆(Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo)博士提出来的。彼德在他的《吃适合你血型的食物》一书中指出,为什么有些人为了减肥,小心谨慎地少吃,结果体重照样在增加,原因就是食物对人体的作用是因血型而异的,换句话说,人的血型决定了身体如何利用不同的食物。



A型 – 以蔬菜水果为主,少吃高脂肉类


饮食重点 :

1. 以蔬菜水果为主,摄取量为鱼或肉类的3倍

2. 每日三餐的卡里标准为早餐700卡、午餐500卡、晚餐300卡



4. 少吃高脂肉类

5. 海藻类食物应安排在晚上吃,补充必要的矿物质。






与O 型和A型相比,B型却是人类学上较晚出现的血型。这类人是最早习惯于气候和其他变迁的游牧民族。所以,能夠适应各式各样的环境,免疫功能和器官比一般人好,在吃的方面可以说是最受上天恩宠的一类血型,无论是动物类还是植物类,几乎什么东西都能吃。但建议各类食品都能均恒摄取

饮食重点 :

1. 肚子饿时以低脂乳制品充饥

2. 少吃糖果、饼乾和蛋糕,否则会影响B型人的消化及化谢功能,过多也会妨碍胰岛素分泌,导致体脂肪屯积。


4. 动物性和植物性食材各占一半,注重营养均衡。

5. 尽量食用低蛋白、低脂食物,多吃鱼贝类,取得优质蛋白质。







饮食重点 :

1. 谢绝所有肥肉,选择瘦肉,份量也不宜太多

2. 选择低脂乳制品,能促进胰岛素分泌。

3. 每天多吃高纤蔬菜及硷性水果

4. 食用同新鲜鱼贝类补充蛋白质

5. 面包、汤类等面粉制品少吃为宜。








饮食重点 :

1. 要选择低脂肪的瘦肉

2. 主食以糙米钣为主,要少吃面食类。

3. 除了哈蜜瓜和酪梨会影响代谢功能,应每天在早午餐时多吃水果

4. 多摄取具有抗氧化作用的深绿色蔬菜

5. 多吃矿物质丰富的低卡海藻类食物。





1. 血型看性格

内敛心软、善於容忍 不挑咀、食量少

充满好奇、喜欢创新 重口味、多变化

决断明快、意志坚强 能吃饱为原则

2. 血型与饮食行为





客观智慧、善於协调 希望吃得丰盛

3. 血型与罹癌率

A型、 AB型



Friday, July 4, 2008

Apple Tart Soap Recipe

Apple Tart Soap Recipe

4 oz. Clear, Unscented Glycerine Soap
1 Tablespoon Liquid Soap
1 teaspoon Liquid Glycerine
1/2 teaspoon Apple Fragrance Oil
2 drops Red Food Color
1/2 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon

Melt soap in small pan over low heat or in a glass cup in the microwave.
Add Liquid Soap and glycerine and stir gently but well. Add fragrance, color and cinnamon. Stir and let stand a couple minutes, just enough to start to thicken so when you stir again the cinnamon will be more evenly distributed.

Pour into molds. Allow to set completely (in or out of freezer). Wrap in plastic wrap or use cellophane candy bags.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Stretches you can do in your office

Finger stretch

Working hard at your desk? To avoid getting sore and worn out, take a stretch break every 20 to 30 minutes. Relaxed and focused after stretching, you may actually complete your work faster and more accurately.

If you spend lots of time clutching a pen or typing on a keyboard, start with the finger stretch. Separate and straighten your fingers until you feel a stretch, keeping your hand in alignment with your wrist (left). Hold for 10 seconds. Next, bend the end and middle knuckles of your fingers (right), keeping your hand and wrist in the same position. Hold for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat.

Back scratch

It may look like you’re scratching your back, but you’re really stretching the back of your arm. Reach behind your head and place your hand on your upper back, keeping your arm close to your ear. Gently hold your elbow with your opposite hand. Pull your elbow toward the back of your head and reach your hand toward the middle of your back until you feel a gentle stretch. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds. Relax. Repeat on other side.

Arm and shoulder stretch

Press your hands away from your body to stretch your arms and shoulders.

Lace your fingers together and turn your palms facing out. Straighten your arms in front of you. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Relax. Repeat two to three times.

Chest stretch

This stretches the muscles of your chest, upper back and the back of your neck.

Lace your fingers together behind your head, bringing your elbows back as far as possible. Squeeze your shoulder blades together until you feel your muscles stretching. Hold for 20 seconds. Relax. Repeat.

Side neck stretch

To stretch the muscles along the side of your neck, face forward and look straight ahead. Tilt your head toward one side, gently pushing your ear toward your shoulder. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds. Lift your head into a normal, upright position. Relax. Repeat three to five times on each side.

Head turn

To stretch the muscles along the side and back of your neck and at the top of your back, start facing forward. Slowly turn your head and look to one side until your chin is parallel with your shoulder. Be sure to keep your shoulders straight ahead. Hold for five to 10 seconds. Return to your starting position and relax. Repeat twice on each side.

Chin tuck

The chin tuck also loosens stiff neck and shoulder muscles. Start facing straight ahead. Keeping your back straight, pull your chin toward your chest until you feel a stretch along the back of your neck. Hold for five to 10 seconds. Relax and return to your starting position. Repeat two to three times

Shoulder shrug

The shoulder shrug targets tight neck, shoulder and upper back muscles. Slowly bring your shoulders up toward your ears. Hold for three to five seconds, then roll your shoulders back and down. Relax. Repeat five to 10 times.

Back stretch

You'll feel this stretch along your mid- and lower back muscles. Sit forward in your chair so that there's a little room between your back and the back of the chair. Face forward and cross your right leg over your left. Put your left hand on your right knee, and gently pull toward your left side while slowly turning your head and shoulders to the right. Keep turning until you see the wall behind your right shoulder. Be careful not to force the turn — go just until you feel a nice stretch in your back. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds. Relax and repeat on the other side.

Always be careful not to overstretch. These gentle moves should feel good — never painful.

Weight loss: 6 strategies for success

Make your weight-loss goals a reality. Follow these proven strategies.

You probably know that hundreds of different fad diets, weight-loss programs and outright scams promise quick and easy weight loss. But the foundation of every successful weight-loss program still remains a healthy diet combined with exercise. You must make permanent changes in your lifestyle and health habits to lose significant weight and keep it off.

How do you make those permanent changes? Follow these six strategies.
1. Make a commitment

Permanent weight loss takes time and effort. It requires focus and a lifelong commitment. Make sure that you're ready to make permanent changes and that you do so for the right reasons.

No one else can make you lose weight. In fact, external pressure — often from people closest to you — may make matters worse. You must undertake diet and exercise changes to please yourself.

As you're planning new weight-related lifestyle changes, try to resolve any other problems in your life. It takes a lot of mental and physical energy to change your habits. So make sure you aren't distracted by other major life issues, such as marital or financial problems. Timing is key to success. Ask yourself if you're ready to take on the challenges of serious weight loss.

2. Get emotional support

Only you can help yourself lose weight by taking responsibility for your own behavior. But that doesn't mean that you have to do everything alone. Seek support when needed from your partner, family and friends.

Pick people who you know want only the best for you and who will encourage you. Ideally, find people who will listen to your concerns and feelings, spend time exercising with you, and share the priority you've placed on developing a healthier lifestyle.

3. Set a realistic goal

When you're considering what to expect from your new eating and exercise plan, be realistic. Healthy weight loss occurs slowly and steadily. Aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. To do this, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day through a low-calorie diet and regular exercise. Losing weight more rapidly means losing water weight or muscle tissue, rather than fat.

Make your goals "process goals," such as exercising regularly, rather than "outcome goals," such as losing 50 pounds. Changing your process — your habits — is the key to weight loss. Make sure that your process goals are realistic, specific and measurable, for example, you'll walk for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

4. Enjoy healthier foods

Adopting a new eating style that promotes weight loss must include lowering your total calorie intake. But decreasing calories need not mean giving up taste, satisfaction or even ease of meal preparation. One way you can lower your calorie intake is by eating more plant-based foods — fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Strive for variety to help you achieve your goals without giving up taste or nutrition. Cutting back on calories is easier if you focus on limiting fat.

To lose weight, talk to your doctor about setting these daily calorie goals:
Your current weight in pounds Daily calorie goal
Women Men
250 or less 1,200 1,400
251 to 300 1,400 1,600
301 or more 1,600 1,800

Very low calorie diets aren't a healthy long-term strategy. Fewer than 1,200 calories a day for women and 1,400 calories for men aren't generally recommended. If your calories are too low, you run the risk of not getting all of the nutrients you need for good health.

5. Get active, stay active

Dieting alone can help you lose weight. Cutting 250 calories from your daily diet can help you lose about half a pound a week: 3,500 calories equals 1 pound of fat. But add a 30-minute brisk walk four days a week, and you can double your rate of weight loss.

The goal of exercise for weight loss is to burn more calories, although exercise offers many other benefits as well. How many calories you burn depends on the frequency, duration and intensity of your activities. One of the best ways to lose body fat is through steady aerobic exercise — such as walking — for more than 30 minutes most days of the week.

Even though regularly scheduled aerobic exercise is best for losing fat, any extra movement helps burn calories. Lifestyle activities may be easier to fit into your day. Think about ways you can increase your physical activity throughout the day. For example, make several trips up and down stairs instead of using the elevator, or park at the far end of the lot.

6. Change your lifestyle

It's not enough to eat healthy foods and exercise for only a few weeks or even several months. You have to include these behaviors into your life. To do that, you have to change the behaviors that helped make you overweight in the first place. Lifestyle changes start with taking an honest look at your eating habits and daily routine.

After assessing your personal challenges to weight loss, try working out a strategy to gradually change habits and attitudes that have sabotaged your past efforts. Simply admitting your own challenges won't get you past them entirely. But it helps in planning how you'll deal with them and whether you're going to succeed in losing weight once and for all.

You likely will have an occasional setback. But instead of giving up entirely, simply start fresh the next day. Remember that you're planning to change your life. It won't happen all at once, but stick to your healthy lifestyle and the results will be worth it.

Blackheads and Whiteheads

Blackheads and Whiteheads: What is the Difference?

By Anna Lynn C. Sibal

The presence of blackheads and whiteheads on the skin is a common problem for those in their teens and up. Teenagers and people in their early twenties suffer most from them, but even those who are in their thirties and forties can still have them too, especially those with oily skin.

Both blackheads and whiteheads are forms of acne. We may have thought of acne as limited to those red, bumpy pustules, but that is not so. All forms of acne are considered disorders of the pilosebaceous units of the skin, which are made up of the sebaceous glands, the hair follicle, and the hair strand itself. And like all acne, the problem with blackheads and whiteheads starts deep down the sebaceous glands, or oil glands.

You see, the pilosebaceous units are the skin�s self-moisturizing mechanism. The sebaceous glands secrete oils called sebum, which are stored in the follicle. When the follicle is full, the oil is spilled off to the skin. The sebum is supposed to keep the skin healthy and moisturized.

But sometimes, that is not the case. Sometimes, the oil is trapped inside the hair follicle instead of flowing onto the skin. When this happens, bacteria develop in the follicle and leads to the infection we know as the pimple. Sometimes, instead of being infected, the follicle just gets all clogged up and forms comedones � the things we call blackheads and whiteheads.


What is the difference between a blackhead and a whitehead?

A blackhead is a comedone formed when the opening of the follicle becomes wider than normal. Because the follicle opening is wider, the sebum and the trapped dead skin cells there react chemically with the air, resulting in the oxidation of melanin, which in turn causes the dark coloration of the blackhead.

On the other hand, a whitehead is a comedone formed from a hair follicle that is not open to the air. It is also clogged with sebum and trapped dead skin cells, but the lack of exposure to the air does not lead to the oxidation of melanin, so the clogged matter stays white.

How do we get rid of blackheads and whiteheads? Ridding the skin of acne, not just blackheads and whiteheads, takes time, consistency and effort. It is also very simple. Because acne is not exactly triggered by the food we eat, we do not have to go on a diet. Because acne does not exactly mean that our skin is dirty, we do not have to continually wash our skin. Doing this will rob the skin of its natural moisturizer and will only cause irritation. Washing the face twice a day with mild soap or a facial scrub will do the work. It will take time, but it will do the work.

Blackheads and whiteheads can also be treated using antibacterial products like benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin. Benzoyl peroxide is good for mild cases. It treats the hair follicle so as to reduce the clogging. Tretinoin, on the other hand, forces the closed comedones (the whiteheads) to open up. In this way, the materials clogging the follicle can be easily expunged.

Healthiest Ways to Cook

5 Healthiest Ways to Cook Your Favorite Meals

Even if you use the healthiest of ingredients in your recipes, certain cooking techniques can actually eradicate the goodness from foods.
For healthy cooking, give the following techniques a try:

  • Avoid using charcoal or gas grills, as these can increase the production of cancer-causing chemicals. Use an electric grill, instead.
  • Steam your vegetables. Boiling depletes vegetables of many of their nutrients, while steaming removes far less of the good stuff, leaving vegetables with a wonderful taste and texture.
  • To reduce the amount of fat when cooking, use broiling, baking and roasting pans (drizzle your items with extra-virgin olive oil instead of drowning them in margarine). Chinese steamers is also good low-fat cooking option.
  • Never microwave anything in plastic wrap or plastic containers. If you must microwave, use glass containers and covers.
  • Replace all saturated fats in your kitchen with extra-virgin olive oil, canola oil (organic), grapeseed oil - these monounsaturated fats are much healthier than the saturated ones.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser Hair Removal - Permanent solution to unwanted hair

By Anna Lynn Sibal

Laser hair removal It really depends on who looks at it, but hair found on the face, on the back, on the chest, under the arms, on the legs and in the bikini area is generally thought to be unsightly. Such unwanted hair prevents us from wearing some types of clothes, like sleeveless tops, skirts or skimpy bikinis. It also affects our self-confidence to a certain degree.

We women really spend some time and effort into getting rid of the unwanted hair on our bodies. Shaving is the most convenient way of doing it, but also the most time consuming. Sometimes, shaving the underarms and the legs can be a daily chore, and it puts us at risk of having in-grown hair. Some women resort to plucking and waxing, but oh boy, don't they hurt. Besides, they grow back, anyway.

There is a way, however, of dealing with unwanted hair more permanently, and that is undergoing laser hair removal treatment. In laser hair removal treatment, a dermatological surgeon focuses a laser on the part of the skin that is to be treated. The laser then creates a reaction in the melanin in the hair follicles of the treated area. The reaction is supposed to make the hair strand shed and to discourage the hair follicle from producing new cells that will lead to hair growth. Laser hair removal treatment takes four to six sessions to complete, as hair enters different phases of growth.

Laser hair removal treatment, however, works best only with people who have fair skin and dark hair. The laser machine is set to react to the melanin in the skin, so dark-skinned people stand the risk of having their skin being burned by the laser. The laser focused by the machine also generally does not react to blond or red hair, because hair with such colors does not have enough melanin in the strands.

If you think you are a good candidate for laser hair removal treatment, the first thing you should do is to check out the dermatological clinics in your area. You can come up with a list from the phone directory or from the Internet. Look for a clinic where the one operating the laser machine is a real doctor specializing in dermatology or cosmetic surgery. If you are comfortable with it, you can also go for clinics where the machine is run by technicians, as long as there is a doctor supervising the session. Read reviews as you make your list, or you can ask your friends or family members who have undergone the treatment for recommendations.

Once you have picked a clinic, the next step would be to make an initial consultation with the doctor of your choice. Visit the clinic and take note of how clean the premises are and how friendly and helpful the personnel in the clinic are. When you come face to face with the doctor, ask him questions about the field he or she is in, about the machine he or she is using, and the credentials he or she has. Ask as well what form of payment the clinic accepts.

If you already feel confident with your choice, then go ahead and make a schedule for your first session. On every session, all the people involved in the treatment - the doctor, the technician and you - should be wearing eye protection. After all, it is laser you people will be handling, so it is important to keep the eyes protected on every treatment. The treatment is not really painful, but the doctor or the technician will nonetheless apply a gel on your skin to make it numb.

The parameters of the laser hair removal treatment, such as the condition of the skin on the area to be treated and the condition of the hair, will be entered into the machine. The laser will then be allowed to pulse on the skin briefly to check if the data entered on the machine is correct, and then the treatment commences.

After every session, take a couple of days off to rest if you think it is necessary. Keep the treated area clean and moisturized, and use only products that are gentle on the skin. Avoid exposing yourself to the sun, because if your skin gets darker, the effectiveness of the succeeding sessions might lessen considerably. If there is a little swelling, apply an ice pack or cover the skin with soft and clean cloths soaked in ice water to relieve the swelling.

It is possible for complications to arise after each session of the treatment. If the swelling does not go away and blistering of the skin is present, you should go and see the doctor who did the treatment on you as much as possible. They should be equipped to handle such complications.

Laser hair removal treatment is a good way of getting rid of unwanted hair permanently. However, you must remember that this treatment is not for everybody. Consider your choices carefully before going through the process.

Firmer Breasts

Firmer Breasts

To firm breasts and tighten the skin, mix one teaspoon of vitamin E oil with one tablespoon of yogurt and an egg.

Massage this mixture into breasts and wear an old bra over the mixture for at least twenty minutes.

Rinse off with warm water.

















每周三次 每次30分钟










1. 醣类-以低密度糖分食物为主要选择


2. 蛋白质类-选择以低脂蛋白为主之食物低糖优格、无糖豆浆、去皮鸡肉、鱼肉、蛋白、海鲜类、豌豆、黑豆豆花、黄豆、脱脂牛奶

3. 油脂类-不饱和脂肪酸最健康鱼油、橄榄油




















Stress Relief

Stress Relief After a Long Day or an Eternal Week
By Cathryn D'Imperio

Constant stress can wreak havoc on our bodies, our minds and our souls. Some medical problems are triggered by continual stress, and emotional trauma, instability and mild forms of depression are also likely to result. By taking a few moments to de-stress when you feel the levels and intensity rising, you can save yourself from undue anxiety and potential health problems. Below are 20 stress relief options to help you eliminate the physical and mental feelings caused by stress.

Take a Hot Bubble Bath - The soothing suds and warm water can wash your cares away while relaxing your tired, aching muscles. If you want to enhance the healing effects, turn on some soft music, dive into a good book, or just daydream the night away.

Pamper yourself with a Pedicure and a Facial - The softness and smoothness returned to your weary feet may be enough to relax you and help you reduce your stress level, but don't stop there! Use a gentle cleanser and apply a mud-mask and sit back for 10-15 minutes while it works its wonders. If you're feeling especially energetic, cut two cucumber slices to place over your eyes. Think happy thoughts and drift away from the things that trouble you.

Throw on your Comfiest Pajamas and Grab a Good Book! - Snuggling up under the covers in your cozy bed with soft, comfortable clothing can be enough to relax you almost immediately. Find your favorite magazine, pull out a book you have been meaning to read or just put on one of those cooling eye-masks to alleviate them from the cares of the day.

Take a 20-minute 'Power-Nap' if you've got more things on your To-Do List - Right when you get home from work, shed your business attire and hop into your bed-set your alarm for 20 minutes if you have other things on the evening's agenda, or allow yourself to awake naturally if you have a free schedule. Your energy should return to you in no time!

Exercise - Go for a jog, do some abdominal workouts, aerobics or lift some weights. Exercising renews the body and gives the mind an easy escape from daily troubles.

Fix yourself a Cocktail! - Don't jump overboard with the bottle, but something as small and innocent as a strawberry daiquiri or a fuzzy navel could turn your mood around in a flash. If you aren't old enough to drink yet, make a milkshake in the blender or find a great fresh fruit smoothie recipe online. Munch on some snacks or enjoy the view from your favorite window. Forget your cares and just revel in the moment while you slowly sip your favorite beverage.

Have some Delectable Desserts in the house and Indulge! - Cakes, cookies, pastries, brownies: they are all comfort foods to me. Treat yourself to something extravagant and delicious.

Light an Aromatherapy Candle and Play some Soft Music - Close your eyes and imagine whatever peaceful moments come to mind. Relax and think about your hopes and dreams for the not-so-distant future. (Be careful not to leave candles burning unattended).

Convince your Sweetheart to give you a Massage! - A simple back massage or foot massage has been known to greatly reduce stress and send the recipient into a super-relaxed state. Just don't forget to return the favor when your sweetie is having a bad day!

Kick Back in Comfortable Clothes and Look through your Photo Albums - Memories of happy times can easily bring a smile to your face and take you back to days when the tides weren't so turbulent. Plan a vacation or a get-together with friends for another photo-taking opportunity to add to your scrapbooks, and the simple act of having something to look forward to should significantly help you cope with your stress.

Start Keeping a Diary or a Journal, just for yourself! - Record your innermost thoughts and feelings, and vent out your angst of the day. It can be very effective to get your troubles off your chest and onto a sheet of paper, where they'll stay for the rest of the night.

Immediate Results for Urgent Needs: Deep Breathing - Take deep breaths when you feel your stress levels begin to escalate. Start by counting to three inhaling and then to three while exhaling. Gradually increase it to five, six or seven as you try to calm yourself from the aggravating element.

Immediate Results for Urgent Needs: Stretching - Especially if you find yourself irritated at work, raise your arms above your head, arch your back and give it a good stretch. Get up from your desk and walk around-five minute breaks are definitely allowed when your sanity is at stake!

Immediate Results for Urgent Needs: Go Somewhere to Be Alone and Have a Good Cry or Confront the Source - I have been on the brink of tears while on the job, and sometimes the best solution to an overly stressful day is to lock yourself in a room (failing that, your car) and let loose. The relief and renewal experienced by letting out a couple of tears rejuvenates the body and the mind. Get mad, get upset, but get over it; cry in privacy or express yourself to the afflicting individual-chances are you will feel much better once you confront the agitating factor.

Do Something for YOU - Play an instrument, knit or crochet, work on a scrapbook or partake in another of your hobbies. Lose yourself in the moment and do not think about your stress until you must. Go to bed early with a light heart and dream of happy and carefree moments ahead.

Enjoy a cup of Herbal Tea and a few Cookies or a Good Book - Soothe yourself with a warm beverage and some sweets or get lost in some good reads. Reading can be a great escape from stress because it requires your mind to focus on something other than your own problems.

Order-Out! Indulge in some Comfort Foods or a cup of Hot Cocoa - Avoid making dinner or dessert for the night and call for a pizza, pick up some Chinese food or find a place that makes great seafood to go. Whatever your palate desires, treat yourself (and your family) to a night of take-out.

Try something like Yoga or Meditation to Relieve the Day�s Stressors - Beneficial results occur by relaxing the body through yoga exercises. Mental, physical and spiritual responses to yoga and meditations can very powerfully reduce stress's effects on your mood and your body in general.

Break out of the Routine! - Do something unusual and avoid the stressors. Your laundry can wait another day or two, run the dishwasher tomorrow and just relax! Get together with a few friends and go on an adventure-leave the town you know and the buildings you inhabit day after day and take a hike, hit up the beach or go sailing on a beautiful body of water.

Spend Time with Loved Ones and Pets! - If they are the ones making you stressed out, you may think about some alone-time, but more times than not, there's nothing quite like that unconditional love freely given by our furry friends who look to us for the same affection.

No matter what stressors affect you from day to day, it is important to try to combat them before they get out of hand. Job related stress could follow you home and may then have an effect not only on you and your body but on your family, too. Do what you can to reduce stress and ask those who are close to you for advice if you can't find a reasonable alternative to the taxing feelings forced upon you by stress.

Remember: worrying does not get you anywhere - all it does is take up time. Get out there and do something about it!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


By Radika Meganathan

All of us want to look young and beautiful. But how many really stay that way? As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and if you want to look attractive and fresh, you should follow not just an efficient beauty regime, but also a regular one.

For busy homemakers and corporate executives alike, it is not always possible to maintain a regular beauty regime, unless it is a habitual visit to the nearest beauty salon. Instead of spending money on artificial and expensive treatments, here is a simple schedule to groom yourself naturally. Just before you go to bed, allot a period of ten minutes. Yes, all it takes is just that little time to keep you looking young and glowing.

Foot Care

Feeling terrible after a tiring day? As soon as you return home, soak your feet in a basin of warm water mixed with a handful of fragrant bath salts. After 10 minutes, wash your feet (a simple soap and water wash is sufficient).

If you aren't feeling sleepy by this time, take a foot filer and scrub your heels. Using a toothpick (orange stick) clean the edges and grooves around your toe nails, to remove the dirt that gets accumulated. Apply cold cream or moisturizer before winding up. This will make the skin soft and prevent people from running away at the sight of your feet.

Face Wash/Scrub

Cleansing your face before going to bed is essential to take away the dirt you might have picked up in your day. Walnut scrub is ideal for oily skin. Make sure you scrub your face in circling motions and wash with cold water. For those with dry or sensitive skin can use baby oil or wet cleansing pads, followed by a night cream.

Night Cream/Moisturizing

The right time to apply any treatment, especially moisturizer - be it for whitening the skin, under-eye cream or simple moisturizing. It will revitalize your facial skin and work wonders on skin, which had been exposed to all the dirt and grime in the daytime. It would be a good idea to use it on your arms and neck, too.

Your Hair

While oil is not the elixir of life to hair, it IS essential in keeping it well conditioned and supple. Leave oil overnight and wash in the morning with shampoo to get better results.

Heat a little amount of oil (olive oil, almond oil, or plain old coconut oil) by placing it in a small container and swirling it in hot water. After the oil gets considerably hot, massage the scalp with your fingertips, in rotating motion, for at least 8 - 10 minutes. You can do this while soaking your feet in warm water.

Castor Oil

Applying pure castor oil to your eyebrows and lashes, particularly those who have scanty growth, will make them grow thick and long. For tired or puffed eyes, place a cotton pad soaked in chilled rose water. Keeping thin slices of cucumber ready in the refrigerator beforehand is ideal.

Grated cucumber, by itself or mixed with carrot juice, can be spread under the eye, to reduce black circles and sagging skin.

Lip Guard

And finally, a smear of Vaseline on your lips, and you can sleep like a child and get up like a fairy!

cockroach parasites squeeze the acnes and black heads?

Dare to Try ???

Friday, June 27, 2008

Eat this

Sunday June 22, 2008

Eat this


Practical nutrition tips for a hectic lifestyle.

NUTRITION Month Malaysia (NMM) 2008 was launched in April with the theme Eat Right, Enjoy Life! I have summarised the main NMM educational materials in a previous write up of NutriScene (April 20).

In a further write up on NMM 2008, I had summarised the contents of three educational articles that were published to further strengthen the key messages of NMM.

Beans and legumes are not only good sources of protein and dietary fibre, but are also rich in healthful phytochemicals.

In this instalment, I would like to share with readers excerpts from the three remaining articles. I certainly hope they will provide you with further tips on healthy eating and active living.

There’s more to some foods than meets the eye

Nutrition experts are always exhorting you to eat more fruits, vegetables, rice and other cereal products and legumes. This is not merely to ensure that you get your daily dose of vitamins, minerals as well as the all-crucial dietary fibre. Indeed, there are another reasons that may just surprise you!

Something else to chew on

Foods like oranges, cabbage and oats, like all other food, do indeed provide you different nutrients and vitamins. But these everyday foods, however, do more than just that. They also contain numerous naturally occurring components, which are thought to provide physiological and health benefits that go beyond just your basic nutrients.

These components are known as functional components, and foods containing them are called functional foods. In recent years, much attention has been generated on the potential health significance of these components and how they can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart diseases.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain a good amount of bioactive components called phytochemicals, which are compounds found in plants. Carotenoids are good examples of these phytochemicals. These are found in the orange-red pigments of fruits and vegetables.

Some carotenoids include lycopene (in papayas and tomatoes), lutein (in green leafy vegetables), and beta-carotene (many green leafy vegetables).

Other healthful phytochemicals in fruits and veggies are glucosinates (eg cabbage, cauliflower, kai lan, pak choy) and flavones (veggies such as celery, bell pepper and lettuce).

Beans, legumes and soy beans

You may have been consuming soy beans by drinking soy milk, eating tofu, tempeh, taufu- fah, fu-chok, and other beans such as red and green beans in your bubur as part of your daily diet.

But do you know beans and legumes are not only good sources of protein and dietary fibre, but are also rich in healthful phytochemicals?

Some bioactive components identified in the humble soy bean are isoflavones and phytosterols, which have been demonstrated to be able to lower blood cholesterol level.


Tea contains important bioactive components that comprise a group of polyphenol compounds called flavanoids, which have been linked to lower risks of coronary heart disease and certain cancers.

Yoghurt and cultured milk

Yoghurt, yoghurt drink and cultured milk have been associated as “healthy” beverages because they contain probiotics (added by manufacturers) – friendly and healthy living bacteria that maintain the balance of your body’s intestinal flora and facilitate digestion. They can also contribute to the gut’s resistance to “hostile takeovers” by harmful bacteria. The two “friendliest” probiotics are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Don’t let your emotions eat you up

There’s no doubt that eating habits are sometimes influenced by mood. For instance, you may eat or drink too much during a happy occasion.

On the other hand, you may end up eating or drinking too much when nothing seems right. This could be related to work stress, family or personal problems, or simply because nasty weather has prevented you from going shopping!

Overindulging once in a while is normal. However, things become less healthy when occasional bouts of overeating become habitual.

Disappointment makes me eat

You may dislike having excess flab and decide to lose weight. So you begin to starve yourself, which in the long run is self-defeating and biologically impossible to sustain.

You then eat (perhaps more than you should), but feel guilty for doing so. You may also feel disappointed for having violated your diet regime.

Instead of picking yourself up, you spiral downwards into an all out binge that lasts longer than your attempt to lose weight. You then gain weight and feel bad about your physical condition, which triggers another vicious dieting cycle.

When this pattern becomes a long-term habit, you may end up with a higher risk of becoming overweight or obese.

Eating under pressure

Long-term or chronic stress can also affect your regular eating habits. There may be times when you’re so stressed because of work or personal responsibilities that you turn to food or drink for comfort.

During these times, you also tend to increase your consumption of alcohol, become less active and feel decreasing levels of self-control and self-esteem.

Any attention you may have been paying to what you eat and all other concerns about food and diet go out the window during times of chronic stress. Instead of controlling your food, it controls you.

Beating the bingeing blues

If you are in the habit of overeating, the first thing you need to accomplish is to develop an awareness of your eating behaviour.

Remember, there are so many other enjoyable things that you can do when you’re feeling happy, sad or stressed instead of just eating and drinking!

Shift your focus from food to other feel-good activities. For instance, try exercising (which tones your body and also increases your self-confidence and self esteem), meditating, spending more time with family and friends, going on vacations or taking breaks from work.

Eat right and get moving to keep moving!

You have a busy lifestyle, one that keeps you on your toes most days, dividing your time between work and personal commitments.

On some days, however, you find yourself out of steam, tired and listless. You barely have enough energy to crawl out of bed.

What’s going on? You’re eating, but why the lack of oomph? The food you consume everyday should provide you sufficient energy to keep you on the go, shouldn’t it? Is there something missing?

Eating right is part of it

You may be eating regular meals, but maintaining a busy pace of life day in and day out requires more than just eating on time. You also need to practise healthy eating habits, as the proper nutrition provides you the essential nutrients and other food components that enable you to maintain your hectic pace of life.

When it comes to eating right, it’s crucial to eat a variety of food because different foods provide diverse combinations of energy and nutrients. To ensure you get your daily requirements, eat a varied diet that combines cereals, legumes, fruits and veggies, meat, fish, poultry and dairy products (with an emphasis on the first four types of foods). You also need to cut down on your intake of fats, sugar and salt. And drink lots of water!

Get moving!

Staying active is equally as important as eating healthy to maintain an overall sense of wellbeing. In fact, proper nutrition and physical activity go hand in hand. This is because the right diet provides you the energy you need to stay active.

Among the numerous advantages of physical activity is that it allows you to sustain your energy balance i.e. it burns excess calories to keep you fit and trim, not overweight or obese. It also helps you maintain a healthy body weight and improves your cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility.

Exercise also appears to be especially effective when it comes to boosting your health in various disease-specific areas, including cardiovascular diseases (it helps strengthen heart muscles), hypertension (reducing high blood pressure), diabetes (regulate your blood glucose level), obesity, and osteoporosis.

If possible, you should try to exercise at least 30 minutes daily on most days of the week. If you’re on the heavy side, don’t go all out and start with a 20-minute jog once you begin your exercise routine! Instead, try some light stretching and maybe a 5-10 minute walk.

Once you see the pounds coming off, you can slowly ease into a more vigorous workout programme.

Too busy?

You may find it hard to slot in some time for physical activity. But if you’re really serious about your health, you can always find ways to sneak in some exercise into your daily routine. Here’s how you can stay active.

  • Break your exercise sessions into 10-minute bursts, three times a day, say, in the mornings, afternoons or late evenings.
  • Do desk exercises (eg stretching, twisting or bending) and walk to your colleague’s work station at the office whenever possible.
  • If you need to get somewhere close by, walk instead of driving.
  • If you do drive, park further away from your destination and use your legs to get you there!
  • Use the stairs and skip the elevator and escalator.
  • For every hour you watch TV or read, take a 10-minute exercise break.
  • Don’t spend your time inside. Get out more and enjoy the great outdoors!
  • Wash your car yourself. You’ll save money and get a good workout!

So you see, if you adhere to a combination of eating right and obtaining a regular dose of physical activity, you’ll not only look great and glow with health, but you’ll also have more than enough energy to work, think, play and continue to enjoy the busy lifestyle you’ve become accustomed to each and every day!

If you have not obtained the NMM Guide book or missed the supplement or the educational articles, or if you wish to obtain more information on NMM 2008 activities, visit the Nutrition Society of Malaysia website:

NutriScene is a fortnightly column by Dr Tee E Siong, who pens his thoughts as a nutritionist with over 30 years of experience in the research and public health arena.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Burt's Bee Natural Care

The Burt's Bee Natural Care

Organic Body Care & Beauty Products

Krysta Lyon

Natural ingredients of rejuvenating beauty products along with a complete line of body care.

The Buzz

When it comes to the best lip balm, there is no doubt Burt's is king. Burt's Bee lip balm has excelled to another level on the shelf of every check out counter of Whole Foods, Barnes & Noble, not to mention filling the beauty aisles of drug stores around the country with delicious natural products like Milk and Honey Lotion and Lemon Cuticle Cream. What many people don't realize is that why Burt might be the king of bees, Roxanne Quimby is queen of the balm.

In the early 80's in the backwoods of Maine, Roxanne Quimby had just gone thru a divorce and was a mother of young twins. She met Burt Shavitz while he was peddling quarts of honey out of the back of his pick up truck. It wasn't long after that Roxanne was turning Burt's leftover beeswax into candles, shoe polish and the ever-famous lip balm that is the company's signature product today.

All Natural

Roxanne and Burt created a natural line, of cruelty-free lotions, soaps, and cosmetics mostly packaged with recycled materials. Their production line went from Roxanne's kitchen, to a vacant one-room schoolhouse and then into a converted bowling alley. Eventually, ending up with a headquarters and massive production line in North Carolina.

More than just honey

Burt's Bee has expanded from a simple honey lip balm to lotions, body wash, and a clean and fresh line of shampoo and conditioners. Natural Milk & Shea Butter body wash (US$8, drugstores) it an amazing clean and fresh feeling in the shower, recommended by both women and men. A product off Burt's newest line is Chemical Free Sunscreen SPF 30 (US$15, drugstores), it's high protection from the suns harmful rays are the essential. The bonus is that it's gentle enough even to use on children. Men have also become huge fan of Burt's with their men's lines of lotion, body wash and after shaves. Natural Skin Care for Men Shave Cream (US$10, drugstores) leaves skin clean and smooth. It also helps soothes and hydrates the skin, the featured ingredient is Calendula.

Queen of the Hive

As Roxanne Quimby continues to amaze us with all natural products, she still remains behind the scene of this hive. In 2000, she launched the Wings of Love cosmetics line. She is hard at work today on her launch of Happy Green Bee, a colorful organic cotton baby wear line.

Combat Dark Under Eye Circles

Easy Treatment for Dark Under Eye Circles

Grated potatoes can lighten under-eye circles. Potatoes contain an enzyme called catecholase, which is used in cosmetics as a human skin lightener.

Run one spud through your food processor and stuff the raw mash into a piece of cheesecloth.

Apply to the area directly beneath your eye; don't let the potato juice come in contact with the eye itself, and leave for 15 to 20 minutes.

Wipe away the starchy residue

Acupunture Point Wall Chart

Self Massage

Just click the picture to have a better view

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

All things BRIGHT and beautiful

All things BRIGHT and beautiful

By Donna Francis


* Wear colour where you’d normally wear black
Make-up artist Rachel Wood says: “To work out where you could use super-brights on your eyes, think about where you usually wear black make-up. Coloured liner or mascara is a great way to try this trend.”

* Keep your look simple
“Never use bold colour on lips and eyes,” Rachel warns. “And limit the rest of your make-up to concealer, foundation and mascara, otherwise you’ll look like a fashion victim.”

* Match your make-up to what you’re wearing
“If you can’t decide which shades to choose, match them to the tones in your wardrobe,” Rachel suggests. “So, for a black dress with an electric pink bow, pick up the pink tone with a lipstick or eyeliner.”


BLUE AND TURQUOISE shades help all eye colours stand out. Nervous of taking the sea-blue plunge? A shot of eyeliner is the boldest and easiest way to work the look. Draw Clarins Waterproof Eye Pencil in Turquoise along the upper lash line, starting at the inner corner and ending with a flick beyond the outer lashes. A slick of blue mascara, like Urban Decay’s Big Fatty Mascara in Electric Blue makes eyes stand out.

RED AND PINK are a great place for colour virgins to start as they suit all skin tones – but they’re best confined to lips. Chanel’s Rouge Allure in Vertige is the perfect pillar-box red for a make-an-entrance pout. Or for a more summery look, try a bubblegum pink like Nvey Eco Organic Lipstick in Shade 359.

ORANGE AND CORAL are the newest trend for lips, as seen at the Spring/Summer catwalk shows. A great suits-everyone coral shade is YSL Fard a Levres Rouge Pur Lipstick in Shade 21. But if you’re looking for a hot shot of orange then try Sisley Long Lasting Hydrating Lipstick in Mandarin.

PURPLE AND VIOLET are a fab summer alternative to the grey and charcoal smoky eye of 2007. Brush Bourjois Ombre Stretch Eyeshadow in Profond over your lids and all the way up to the brow. Follow with black mascara. Deeper purples work well on lips – Maybelline Moisture Extreme Sensual Satin Lipstick in Velvet Wine is a great shade for a night out.

GREEN AND YELLOW eye colours look best on darker skin types, as these tones can make fair girls look tired. To keep citrus shades looking modern, choose products with a matte finish. Try Shu Uemura Cream Eyeshadow in Yellow or Lancôme Colour Design Eyeshadow in Green Bikini. Wear on your lids or blend up to your brow line for extra va-va-voom.



* Colour accentuates dryness, so exfoliate lips gently with a spare toothbrush.

* Keep lips supple with balm. Apply five minutes before your lipstick, so it doesn’t make the colour slip. Blot with a tissue to keep colour on longer.

* Draw a line of concealer round your outside lip line before applying lipstick to stop colour bleeding.

* Apply straight from the stick if you’re a lipstick pro. If not, use a brush like Famous By Sue Moxley Lip Brush and paint on colour gradually.
* Avoid lipliner – it makes bright colours look harsh and dated.


* Apply foundation or concealer on your lids first, to give the shadow something to stick to and stop it clumping into creases.

* Wear two or three layers of shadow to help the pigment last.

* Use fingers for smooth application, as brushes can give a harsh finish.

* If you’re not sure about blending, only apply one bright colour on your lids.

* Colour can sometimes magnify under-eye circles so try a sheer concealer like L’Oréal Paris Touche Magique Concealer over any shadows.

Reflexology Mapping

Self Massage 2

How to Give a Foot Massage

How to Give a Professional Massage

How to give a good relaxing massage

Facial Massage Tutorial

Back Pain Massage

Headache Relief Head Massage 1

Exercise to Relief CTS

Self Massage 1

What is Cellulite Tutorial

Abdominal Massage Video

Tyra's Private Makeup Lesson

Natural Looking Makeup Tutorial

Plastic Surgery Without the Surgery, Makeup Techniques

MMakeup Lessons - LOOK HOT in 5 Minutes or Less....

foot reflexology for cancer patient 0338

Secrets from Japan: The Art of Food

Secrets from Japan: The Art of Food


I’m a huge fan and proponent of the traditional Japanese diet. After several trips to Japan, my partner and I became hooked on all of the healthy aspects of the Japanese style of food. Not only did we find ourselves satisfied and full after rich meals, we also lost weight. A year after we adopted the Japanese style of home cooking 12 pounds disappeared from my body.

Here are some highly attractive qualities of both the food and culture of eating in Japan:

1. Foods are packed with nutritional punch. Some of the most frequently consumed items are things like seaweed, green tea, miso, and ume.

2. Freshness is vital. People search for the freshest ingredients at the grocery store and meals are made based on what is fresh in the grocery store.

3. Seasonal Eating. The Japanese celebrate seasons more than any culture I’ve encountered. As seasons shift and colors of cherry blossoms or brilliant maple leaves change so do the magnificent foods. Foods are celebrated when their time is ripe.

4. It’s all about Quality, not Quantity. It is inherent in the Japanese culture to produce fruits and vegetables of the most impeccable quality. Unlike in the US, where agriculture is based on mass and genetic modifications to increase yield. Japanese are likely to pay more (or grow their own) to obtain the highest quality.

5. Meals delight the senses. The entire eating experience is an art in Japan. Food is adorned with natural elements like leaves and edible berries. Splashes of color enhance the texture, smell, and taste.

6. Small portion size. Americans may devour an entire bowl of edamame while in Japan people are often served a dish with only 2 delicious pods. By serving food in small dishes, portions are naturally smaller and people eat less.

7. Non Dairy and Less Wheat. Dairy is a rarity in Japanese food. Rice replaces wheat as the most commonly used carbohydrate. Therefore, this cuisine is ideal for those with wheat and dairy allergies.

When I eat in Japan or if I prepare Japanese food in my own kitchen I always feel thoroughly satisfied. There’s no need to grab a midnight snack because my body is not deprived of all the delightful elements of eating.


Naomi Moriyama describes the principles of a good Japanese diet in her book: Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen. She also shares some fun recipes from her mother’s kitchen. This book gets mixed reviews partly because it doesn’t necessarily speak to a greater (suburban, American, mother) audience. However, Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat is ideal for people who:

1) Are interested in taking the time to prepare rich and healthy meals at home

2) Enjoy Japanese cuisine (beyond sushi)

3) Have struggled with the standard American diet and are looking for alternatives

4) Are looking for support and encouragement to create healthy lifestyle changes

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